- Expand globally
- Market Expansion

What is your current market entry challenge? Here is a selection of common questions.
I would like to grow my business abroad. Where do I start?
第一步通常是确定并了解适合你的产品或服务的乐博彩票官方app. 许多公司还需要在新乐博彩票官方app中寻找合作伙伴和分销商, 如果你缺乏商业联系,不了解当地的语言和文化,这可能是一个挑战.
This is how we can help:
- 评估哪个乐博彩票官方app最适合你的产品或服务
- 通过研究和分析来了解你所选择的乐博彩票官方app
- Overcome cultural and language-related barriers
- Find new partners and distributors
- Navigate the legal and regulatory framework
- Create a solid market adapted strategy
I have big plans for my company. How do I create a strategy for global expansion?
If you aspire to become a global leader within your field, 您需要从严格的分析和仔细规划的业务策略开始.
This is how we can help:
- Evaluate your current position on the global market
- Prioritise the most relevant markets
- Develop a global strategy and create a 5-year plan
- Adapt your offer to a global audience
- Manage partners on multiple markets
- Provide advice on industrial logistics
我想在新乐博彩票官方app评估一下我的产品. Can you help me?
We certainly can. 当涉及到客户和竞争者时,每个乐博彩票官方app都是不同的, 在产品和客户群之间取得适当的平衡也很重要. 这需要深入的乐博彩票官方app知识,仔细的分析和公平的试错.
This is how we can help:
- Identify potential customers (B2B and B2C) in the new market
- 找出你的哪些产品或服务最有潜力
- 分析竞争对手的情况以及与定价和付款相关的信息
- 确保你为你的新客户群提供了适当的产品平衡
没有一种产品或服务可以自我销售,销售渠道因乐博彩票官方app而异. They also change constantly, especially in the digital world. 我们拥有丰富的经验和对当地乐博彩票官方app的了解,可以帮助您专注于最相关的业务渠道.
This is how we can help:
- 识别和分析公司在新乐博彩票官方app中最相关的销售渠道
- Optimise partners, distributors and online sales channels
- 跟上和适应不断变化的乐博彩票官方app状况
- Get the right balance between sales channels
Yes, we do. 合并或收购外国实体是一个复杂的过程,伴随着许多挑战. To reach the intended growth goals, 很好地理解文化差异是至关重要的.
This is how we can help:
- Make a thorough market assessment based on reliable data
- 识别和评估合并、合资和联盟的可能性
- 跨越语言和文化障碍以及乐博彩票官方app差异
- Navigate legal frameworks and regulations
- Assist in strategic negotiations